Wireless Technology Hardware and Software

 Review the mobile mintablets article and the Intel article from the background readings. These will give you some perspective of recent developments in hardware incentives and development which is the basis for many new hardware platforms. Answer the following questions in a 2- to 3-page paper. Watch the following video, and scan your environment for […]

Assessment of wireless security and describe some of the strategies

Write a 2 page assessment of wireless security and describe some of the strategies that a user can take to protect their data no matter what network they connect to. We should be able to identify what networks may be malicious, and the steps we can use to prevent connecting to them. Also, once you […]

How would a mobile wireless network impact the educational process?

You work at a high school as a teacher delivering courses for building computer skills. In addition, you help to support the computing needs of the high school working with the one IT person who recently accepted a job at a different school. The high school is in the process of hiring a new IT […]

Entrepreneurial Opportunities: T-Mobile US and the Wireless Telecom

This paper should focus on T-Mobile US and the Wireless Telecom Market Domain. See the other papers leading up to this point You will submit the last portion of your draft business development plan for your company, covering the specific opportunity assessment along with the trends and discussion on sustainability. This plan will be based […]

A Secure and Low Latency Data Aggregation Scheme for Wireless Sensor

Needed a deep literature study report over the existing secure data aggregation schemes for the Wireless Sensor Networks(WSNs). Also, based on the literatures, had to propose a new secure and low-latency data aggregation scheme for the WSN. The newly proposed aggregation scheme must over come existing security vulnerabilities and the latency issues in energy constrained […]